Outcome & Ambition.

Task 4:

The objective of this week's challenge is to conduct research for more in-depth critical reflection and to demonstrate my thinking and working practices. The aim is to assess the success and failure of our self-directed project and to reflect on how it relates to our method, interests and artistic identity. We must consider what has worked, what has not worked and what we would have done differently in the future.


Learning Objectives:

  1. LO1: Research — Select and deploy appropriate research methodologies to inform the needs within a project.

  2. LO4: Distil — Position a creative, strategic insight that has been distilled and refined through an informed investigation.

  3. LO5: Imagine — Deliver appropriate and innovative ideas that embrace risk, have contemporary relevance and question the boundaries of the discipline.

  4. LO6: Make — Select and utilise relevant tools, skills and technologies in the delivery, iteration and sustainable production of an outcome.

  5. LO7: Collaborate — Demonstrate inclusive and empathetic strategies to plan and execute a project across distributed collaborative situations.

  6. LO8: Design — Realise a final solution that evidences its strategic journey and clear relationship between form and function.

  7. LO9: Communicate — Communicate effectively in a range of contexts and situations to specialist and non-specialist audiences.


Deliver Process:


shells WITHOUT context and reference:


shells WITH context and reference:


Final video presentation:


Case Studies:

Christoph Miller:

Christoph Miller's work with Offshore Studio shows that self-started projects offer many benefits. I learned that these projects are a great way to explore personal interests and creativity without limitations. As they develop over time, they become impressive collections of your skills and ideas, which can attract potential partners. For example, 'Natural Capital' and the collaboration with photographer Salvatore Vitale, both inspired by their work on Migrant Journal, demonstrate how self-initiated projects can help shape a studio's identity and lead to important partnerships.


Sam Bompas:

Sam Bompas believes self-started projects are crucial to shaping a studio's identity, even when clients are unsure. These projects bring fame and money, essentially becoming the studio's own clients. Despite the risks and costs, self-initiated projects offer creative control, recognition, and appeal to potential clients. Sam emphasizes branding and ownership to enhance visibility and attract more clients. They're a way to gain recognition and succeed, granting creative freedom. From Sam Bompas, I learned that self-initiated projects are crucial for defining a studio's character and can lead to credit and financial success. While they involve risks, they offer creative freedom and a chance to stand out.


Contextual Research:

"The Way Back Project" by Dan Cole is a captivating initiative that focuses on the journey of personal growth and transformation. It chronicles the experiences of individuals who have faced challenges and adversities, ultimately finding their way back to a better life. I learned valuable lessons from "The Way Back Project" about the power of storytelling and connecting with an audience on a deep, emotional level. Dan Cole's project demonstrated the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in communication, sharing the raw and unfiltered stories of those who had overcome significant obstacles. It motivated me to be more open and genuine in my approach, and to focus on creating content that resonates with people on a human level.



This week taught me valuable lessons; after finalizing my product, I tested it publicly by giving away some shells. The results were surprising. When I offered the shells without any explanation, many people seemed hesitant and uncomfortable with a stranger approaching them. However, when I provided the shells along with a branded card, people were more welcoming and receptive. This experience taught me the importance of brand identity in making people feel secure and influencing their reactions. I've learned from my mistakes because they have been crucial in getting me to where I am today. I take pride in both my successes and setbacks, as well as the feedback I've received. In fact, some individuals expressed interest in partnering with me to sell these shells in their shops. This journey has made me grateful and proud of not giving up on myself and transforming my self-initiated project into a reality.


Competitive Context.

